Thursday, September 25, 2008


Saw celia's nick
A job shld alwaz make u either 1)very rich, 2)very happy or 3)both. if its neither, hmm. time to change it
how true? but i'm only doing my $20/- a day internship
but i can still be happy

but no no no
i cannot be happy if
1) the boss does not believe in what i'm doing, or
2) the boss cannot identify my efforts

When the boss only dedicate the closest events to Mr. A and B.
I was doing HC, why suddenly Mr. A is doing?
What else is left for me to do?
Naturally later projects, I am not idling.
You are just not using me correctly.
Obviously you do not know what we are doing
Or you do not remember what task you assigned to each individual.
Why don't you write it down?
Maybe you'll have many pleasant surprises.

When there is work to be done,
Mr. A will always snatch the most "do-able and honourable" tasks.
Either way he wins - getting good contacts and appearing productive.
Leaving behind the shittier jobs for me and Mr. B.
Mr. B has a pleasant nature, hence having no problem with the boss.

When I am assigned to source a certain supplier,
I source just as hard as anyone would
staying in the office alone even after the designers' left.
When Mr. A has friends in the line
he would want to use his friends.
Taking over the job, leaving me nothing to do.

I'm not the kind who will turn down people who needs help.
Many a times after doing something, someone will either modify it and take credit for it.
Or take over my job before the client responded.
Or after doing like a mad dog, the boss decides to engage his own suppliers.
So my value is ZERO! I have ZERO output!
It makes so much sense now, my value is really zero.
I have nothing I can take pride/credit for.

So why would I want to stay longer in the office to find suppliers?
Why should I go the extra mile?
I should just do a mediocre passable job.
Give all your big tasks to your pet who doesn't even know wat "nos." is.
I shall stay in office and wait for instructions,
Maybe decorate my table a bit,
sweep the floor a bit.
Eavedrop when the boss is teaching them stuff
so at least i learn something..

Lets wait for Miss J to come back.
Maybe she isn't as blind.
if the boss were to ask me again
"why? working with me very unhappy?"
this time i will reply
"rather.. rather.."


PS: a lot of ppl messaged me and most got my post wrong
i do not have issues wit Mr. A or Mr. B
wat life? they're my fellow interns
if i need to talk it out
its my boss i need to talk to

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