Monday, August 18, 2008


haven played dotA for a long long time
today decided to play for a bit
more than half of the time
i've no idea wat i'm doing
anyhow buy and stacking item this that
feeding the enemies
even when i try to backdoor (not anal sex) them
letting Zeus zap my ass around the map

(click to enlarge and laugh)

Hero: VIPER (Netherdrake)
Items: Power Treads, The Butterfly, Satanic, Cranium Basher, Buriza-do Kyanon, Hyperstone
K/D/A: 8/6/5

First game i randomed playing Mercurial (Spectre), i wasn't so bad, but it was almost impossible to boo-boo (new word) any enemy. Ended up in defeat.
Next game randomed Lanaya (Templar Assassin), the game decided i was too damn friggin' cui it decided to close the dotA application by itself.
Finally won the third game with Viper (Netherdrake) and i swear its disgraceful.
now i think i'm better off playing sissy games like Diner Dash

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