Monday, August 4, 2008


ken says:
i love u too. just dont start kissing me.
流浪のMING - Everythin's gonna be alright! says:
u wish
sometimes i wish we could go back to old times
where we juz talk about power rangers and think nothing else

Abby Geniwawa says:
dont worry
chin up boy
nothing's too difficult for anyone
impossible is nothign
whatever your facing just let it go

fox says:
calm urself...
take it as trials in life...
life is filled with ups n downs
dun lose heart... if you lose heart, you lose the will to live on


I'm feeling awfully moody now
i'm juz going shut off myself
bathe, watch an episode of Family Guy
wake up tomorrow and settle the rest of my stuff
blog about my Malacca trip

Dear God,
make it go away..

P/S: I'm thankful for that ONE random sms wei wei sent me at 4:06pm
simple, yet reminded that i'm remembered
or i'll probably be tearing myself down now, maybe

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